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Follow our step by step instructions found here

  • Once you login to your account, you should see a menu item that has “Access Videos”.
  • Click on “Access Videos” and then you will see a page with all of the videos listed there.
  • Select your video and stream away!You can also find these instructions in the email sent to you at time of checkout.
  • Click “log in” at the top right on desktop computers or in the mobile menu for mobile devices.
  • From there, you can login using the user name and password you provided at check out.
  • The Access Videos menu item will now be seen in the menu bar.
  • Click on Access Videos and you will be directed to the video page.

Once you receive your workbook, you will find your access code on page 4 of your workbook under “How To Use This Study”

Video access is included with the purchases of the workbook.  If you desire to access the videos without the workbook, you may purchase separately for $49.99.

You can purchase the workbook at or

At this time, we do not have a list of churches that are participating in the study.  However, we do know that the best groups are typically found by gathering those you are already connected with.  We greatly encourage you to invite friends, neighbors, colleagues, and others in your close circles to join you in this study.

The Nefarious movie is available for purchase in DVD and BlueRay or can be streamed from many of the popular streaming platforms, such as AppleTV+, Amazon Prime, and Google Play.

You can play this study from your computer or mobile device to a tv using Apple Airplay, GoogleCast, or Miracast. 
